ujian praktik bahasa inggris SMAN 1 Madiun kelas XII IPA 2
tempat : kelas XII IPA 4
waktu : Selasa, 8 Maret 2011
nama kelompok :
1. Fikhi Nugroho sebagai pembawa argument against
2. Ike Dian N. sebagai pembawa argument against
3. Milla Hanim sebagai pembawa argument pro
4. Tafifa Radita P. sebagai pembawa acara (presenter)
5. Wahyu Cahyaningrum sebagai pembawa argument pro
judul :
Now smoking is not foreign to us, even we can find cigarette in various places. Cigarette papery self is a cylinder of length of between 70 to 120 mm with diameter of 10 nm containing tobacco leaves that have been enumerated. Smoking in the first place only to spiritual process, but now smoking has became habit in society, in 2005 is expected increase to reach 1640 million people. Between that quantity there are student. This matter became because student in cline have feel big curiosity.
Studies show that student are mare likely to smoke than adults. It can be seen from the result of the study states that adolescent smoking is increasing every year. In general, they claim to have started smoking between ages 9 until 12 year. Habits are origated from the lack of information about the dangers of smoking. The result now is around 250 million children world wide are from smoking. The survey in same junior high school in Jakarta, every student in her began to recognize and even try smoking with the percentage of 40% as active smokers comprising 35% of bays and 5% women and based on continued monitoring of the student who smoke it as much as 25% drop out.
1. How do you initially became smoker ?
Why are you un to how became an active smoker
2. He said that smoke is symbol virility for student you agree or disagree
If you agree or disagree please explain your opinion
3. Mrs. Arum say that smoke can disturb other people or we can say passive smoker,
you know about it, but why you shill to became a active smokers now
4. How do you think cigarette are make people addiction and what the effect if
become consume cigarette on snow.
Conclusion :
We can be conclude that student opinion smoking is a symbol of virility. But that to incurred because smoking can disturb other people and even make other people (passive smokers) be allowed sick. But to free from cigarette is very difficult because in cigarette the are nicotine make people addiction. However smoking is very dangers for healthy, smoking can make such example heart dieses, cancer, lung inflamed. Be better inform to the student early about the dangers of smoking, so the student not become smokers. Because, student are an asset for the future of the country.
I became a smoker because initially only to try and call friends, and eventually i became active smokers.
I shall first explain the beginning I was a smoker. As my earlier answer, I smoke because of try and a very great curiosity will cigarette itself. At first I was a second-hand smoke because of my many friends who become active smokers. I am curious and want to know will the cigarette. Eventually I began to try smoking, the first time I smoked a cigarette is a gift from a friend and from that moment I became a smoker.
In addition, I become smokers because of invitations from friends, which I initially get along in an environment that the majority are smokers, from there my friends started to persuade me to smoke. At first I refused to smoke and their spontaneous mocks and makes fun of me as a child, timid, effeminate. Because of this, I began to change his mind and finally I had to smoke.
After that I only smoke occasionally and even then only a single stem. But my friends make fun of me again, if not smoke every day alike are not real men, not boys and other males. I again tempted to call my friends, finally 1 did it and ! feel more confident, more manly, more macho, more powerful as my friends say.
After becoming active smokers I began to realize the dangers of smoking, and I try to quit smoking. But this is in vain I can not resist my desire to smoke. Maybe I am already addicted to cigarettes, if I stop then I'll feel dizzy, fatigue, and stress
Although many people who disagree will smoke because of the danger. But I do not think so besides the negative impact of cigarettes. Cigarettes also has a positive aspect that cigarettes contain anti-depressant that can stress. In addition, smoking also has substances that can enhance one's memory.
So I do not agree if the students are prohibited from smoking but in this case smoking outside the school environment. Because smoking is a way of life. Smoking is a separate symbol for male virility and this will be different interpretations for each smoker
Smoking is a pleasure. In other words, smoking causes addiction in students. Initially, students did not consume tobacco. However, when it was introduced and offered a cigarette, then they will gradually get addicted. So forth until the smoke became a necessity. Children and adolescents who have reached the cigarette like a buffalo that squat its nose because it is addictive like a drug addiction. Cigarettes are also supposed to enter the category of drugs. First-time students are generally not caused by smoking tastes good just like we taste food. But because cigarettes contain chemicals that cause dependence, smoking was finally addicted.
When someone has done something many times and quite often, it will create a pattern repetition of certain behaviors automatically. This is especially true if certain actions carried out in an unpleasant situation, which gives the effect of making someone feel more secure in everyday life and routines. Addicted to cigarettes that occurred in the nerve are as follows:
The brain normally has substances that provide a calming effect and stimulating effect on nerve cells, where these substances work by sticking to receptors of nerve cells. And nicotine has the same effect with these substances to the nerve, when attached to nicotine receptors on nerve cells.
With the attachment of nicotine on the receptors, the brain produces dopamine. Dopamine is what gives a soothing effect and stimulate other organs, which provide pleasant effects of smoking. However, when nicotine continue to induce the release of dopamine, the brain gradually reduce the production of dopamine when nicotine is not there, and the brain will feel a greater need to nicotine to keep working normally and feel comfortable.
Addictive or addiction is the term used to describe the effect of habit or addiction is bad for health but the person is hard to leave.
Thus, addiction including chronic disease caused by dependence on substances causing addiction. Nicotine is a component of tobacco that causes addiction. At first sip, the body immediately responds to nicotine. A to feel relaxed and calmer than before. Sense of calm is a sign of addiction. No smoking causes one to become irritable, impatient, anxious, and other unpleasant symptoms. The more addicted, the more the number of cigarettes (nicotine), the body needs to feel relaxed again.
I think that nicotine from cigarettes can make smoker addictive. So, if people consuming cigarettes, they can feel addictive because, they feel relax if they consuming a cigarettes.
In terms of health, smoking is very harmful substances that may interfere with health.
Moreover, if student start consuming cigarettes at an early age. The impact of the smoking habit was not directly can be felt. However, if these harmful habits were maintained, then some of diseases will come disturb the healthy of their bodies. And than the impact from smoking in the short term, among other things cough, asthma, dizziness and headaches. Beside that the impact from smoking in the long term among other things the accurence of long function disturbance potentially, cause the production of excessive mocus in the airways after less than 15 years of smoking, etc. as much as 80 % of the effect of smoking can cause cancer, zoom a level of narrowing or hardening of blood vessels, heart coroner and impotent.
In particular tobacco cause negative impacts, particularly for women, among others :
• Research Joseph Cullman of 17,000 pregnant women and newborns in the United Kingdom showed that babies of women who smoke have a greater chance of having a lower body weight and high risk to be born alive or, if the longest survival 28 days
• Smoking is the main cause of throat cancer. About 90 percent of deaths of women who suffered from throat cancer caused by smoking. In 1950, female deaths due to throat cancer accounting for only 3 percent, but in 2000 increased to 25 percent.
• Several studies have stated that smoking can cause menstrual dysfunction, such as joint pain and irregular periods. Smoking women get the menopause more quickly than women who do not smoke
• Smoking during pregnancy are at risk of premature rupture of membranes, placenta separates from the uterus, and abnormal placental location
So many diseases are caused by a cigarette. It would be wise if we try to avoid cigarettes. Cigarettes cause various diseases due to hazardous materials they contain. Therefore, students should not smoke so as not to suffer from various diseases due to smoking.
In social terms, smoking (active smokers) can disturb passive smokers. Because when smoking, not just active smokers at risk for chronic disease but the people around him have a much greater risk.
Passive smokers is someone who inhale cigarette smoke from smokers around him. Meanwhile, active smokers themselves are the people who consume a regular cigarettes, even though a loss routines can be counted fingers in a week or even monthly.
In a health seminar told that when people smoke, then 25% of the smoke will be inhaled and exhaled 75% of the rest will be in free air. Cigarette smoke released contain nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia. Smoke that has been exploited as much as 25% before then will be exhaled again, exit at 12.5%. So if the add up, smoke a cigarette on the outdoor air is about 90%. So, why secondhand smoke have a higher risk as well as active smokers.
This causes passive smokers have a higher risk for lung cancer, coronary heart disease and respiratory disorders. While in fetuses, infants and children exposure to cigarette smoke also can cause low birth weight, bronchitis and pneumonia, ear infections and a asthma cavity. In fact the risk of sudden death due to cigarette smoke are also found in children under age.
The smoke is inhaled by passive smokers may contain 3 times more tar, 3 times as much nicotine, 5 times as much carbon monoxide, and 50 times more chemicals that cause chronic effects compared with the smoke that is inhaled by the smoker through the cigarette tip filter that is filtered.
WHO estimates that even nearly 700 million children or about half and all children in the world including in facts who are breast-feeding on her mother forced to suck the polluted air of cigarette smoke. Worse yet it just happen more in their own homes. Nicotine in cigarettes is absorbed very quickly and the respiratory tract into the flow of maternal blood vessels and indirectly transferred to the milk slowly by absorption.