Senin, 30 April 2012
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Laporan2 E1 Sulistyorini IP Address

IP Address
IP address digunakan sebagai alamat dalam hubungan antar host di internet sehingga merupakan sebuah sistem komunikasi yang universal karena merupakan metode pengalamatan yang telah diterima di seluruh dunia. Dengan menentukan IP address berarti kita telah memberikan identitas yang universal bagi setiap interadce komputer. Jika suatu komputer memiliki lebih dari satu interface (misalkan menggunakan dua ethernet) maka kita harus memberi dua IP address untuk komputer tersebut masing-masing untuk setiap interfacenya.

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pertemuan perdana/pertemuan pertama jaringan komputer di semester 2 prodi pendidikan teknik informatika uny 2012 diisi dengan perkenalan dan pembuatan makalah tentang pengertian jaringan, sejarah jaringan, macam-macam jaringan, topologi jaringan, perangkat jaringan.

pada mata kuliah jaringan komputer kali ini kami didampingi oleh asisten dosen (asdos) yang bernama mas Arwan Ramadhan.

Laporan 1_E 1.2_Sidik Nurcahyo_Jaringan Komputer

Kamis, 05 April 2012
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If I love you because your beauty,
Do not blame me if I switch,
on a more beautiful than you.

If I love you
because treasure,
Do not blame me if I leave you,
where your treasure in my vision began to disappear.

If I love you
because position,
Do not blame me if I choose,
of higher social status than you.

O Fauziah Husnaa my ​​idol hearts,
I would love
because religion,
Do not worry and doubt,
Hopefully I will still be waiting for you,
Presumably this is the best in the sight of my Lord.

Indeed there are better looking than you,
Indeed there are more berharta from you,
Indeed there are more resident than you,
But rest assured everything would have gone swallowed by time.

To me you are the GRACE of the my Creator,
He is leaning
because hearts to receive you,
He is the omniscient and determines all things,
After istikharah but still you are reunited with me.

Be patient waiting time,
because I was waiting like you,
Although a lot of exams to test your heart,
But rest assured it is to strengthen your heart,
All the BEST TIME to come,
Appropriate conditions of the omniscient,
Hopefully will definitely easier.

Ya Rabb ... LOVE the true owner,
If you love to create for her,
Determined her heart, Affirm her faith,
Rigid and stay with hers in the waiting,

If my heart You make to her,
Fill your heart with love for You
Light up the pace with Your light,
I left to guard my love for her,
Absorbed my longin on her longing,
Unpack my love with her love,
Merged my life and her life in Thy love ..
Aamiin ya Rabb ..
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season displaying a longing in the rainy
there is a lump of anxiety that I could not say
I just want to hug you from dusk to dawn
step by step i climb the steep road concerns
when arriving at the intersection

like I took off all the worry and boredom

how much vacillation has turned into a maze
a circle with no gaps
but the note by you on one my certainty
"I never turn away from you"